On Sunday 17 February the first Valberg Snow Golf of the season was held under a spring blue sun and sky! Shirts and short-sleeved polo shirts were out for the most optimistic!
Christian GUEMY, President of the Sports Club, technically assisted by the ski lifts service of Valberg, had for the occasion prepared a course of 5 holes on which the players had to adapt not only to this new forms of Pars 3, 4 and 5 but also get used to the instability during the swing !! Indeed, on the snow and more groomed, the pace is important. The pace of the swing must adapt to the precarious stability of the player. Nice lesson of rhythm: too fast and it is the slip assured, too tense and it’s the hook that wakes up …
Despite these difficulties, all in all, the players had a great day where the discovery, for some, and the joy of being with a club on the snow, for others, was the main leitmotive of their presence and their participation.
No ranking, but a prize-giving provided distributed by lottery with the help of Leo

Christian GUEMY and Hervé BESSI who wins the gift at Domaine des Remparts Marrakech
Léo helps for the draw